Sunday, February 6, 2011

susan auch, just visiting, pulling a palin

Posted by Christian  |  at  6.2.11

Does stephen harper know about this? Three~time Olympic speedskating medallist {pfft,never a gold} Susan Auch, has decided to run for the con nomination in Assiniboia, Manitoba, a seat held by New Democrat Jim Rondeau since 1999. The dilemma for harper seems obvious. Ms.Auch has been away from Manitoba for the past twenty years! And considering how important an issue this is for steve, I mean going so far as devoting resources to attack Michael Ignatieff for earning a living somewhere other than his birthplace, I expect harper to act as the principled man he pretends to be, and smear Auch with same vigour directed at Iggy.

pulling a palin

So why has Auch decided to run after a twenty year absence? Well, gosh darnit, even though she has been living in Calgary for most of that time, she "watched Manitoba from afar", mostly from Stampede Park, I think, and says Alaska Manitoba has so much to offer that it should be leading the rest of America Canada. Where to is anyone's guess. The fact Ms.Auch lacks any real political experience, well, like palin, she sees that as a strength.

"I think it's good to come in without direct political experience because I bring new thought and new ideas and new inspiration."
I'm sure she'll do fine as long as she dresses 'properly', that way she won't have to rely on her fresh ideas for inspiration.


  1. trouble is, of course, she'll be running provincially for the PCs, which has nothing to do w. Harper's federal (and non-Progressive) Conservatives, so he'd have no business commenting even if he did object.

  2. You'd think that, wouldn't you? But this is stephen harper we're talking about.


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