Tuesday, December 2, 2008

another dumbass

Posted by Christian  |  at  2.12.08

From a report last week, a 43 year old woman was arrested and charged with a whole bunch of stuff after giving alcohol to a 15 year old boy, a 15 year old girl(her daughter)and another 14 year old girl. Hold on, it gets better. She then had sex with the boy while the teenage girls watched. Here's the kicker

Andree later told authorities she knew her daughter and friend were at the foot of the bed while she had sex with the boy. She told officers she thought the boy was 19.

Yeah, that would have made it acceptable, if only he was of age.
Do Not Want pic below the fold...

1 comment:

  1. It seems as though every week a woman is charged with having sex with a minor. My outrage about this of course, stems from the fact that I am not a teenager anymore:(


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